Saturday 13 July 2024

Summer Update!

I am still around, sorry about no post lately but I have not been doing any modeling lately or scanning of prints. Hope to get back into the groove shortly. I have a lot to take care of with my wife passing a few months ago. Have a great summer and I do have some good modeling ideas...just have to get at them...George Dutka

Saturday 1 June 2024

B&SR - 1895

The details found on the back of this B&W print read, B&SR engine #2 and cars 1 and 10. 1895, Lawrence Walker.
Another view of a George Melvin collection photo I have. The scene is a neat modeling option...George Dutka  

Monday 27 May 2024

WW&F - Big Dreams and Little Wheels


WW&F stories

Have you seen this book before ? It is a collection of stories about the WW&F. Kevin Smith sent me this photo of the book that he has enjoyed reading. I may get a chance to read it later this year if we meet up...George Dutka

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Mattress Boxes

A mattress box from a Canadian company located in Acton, Ontario. This model is in HO scale.
If you are thinking of shipping bed frames maybe a few boxes of new mattresses should be included. Aberdeen Car Shops a Canadian company offers printed sheets of mattress boxes in HO scale. They do not have O scale to go with the frames I have shown you but a bit of work on a color printer can size a couple of these up. Or better yet come up with your own design.  Use sturdy paper to model the boxes...George Dutka

Friday 5 April 2024

Bed Frames - Grandt Line # 3560

A package of head and foot boards that might make a nice load.

I recently picked up a package of O scale bed frames which I thought might make a nice load being unloaded at the freight house or loading ramp. Lots of options to think about...maybe I could load them in a truck...George Dutka

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Stone Shed

Appears some talk is happening at the tail end of the local passenger train. 
I found this old slide from 1984 that I took of my HOn30" scene which included a Hopper Line kit. More on this structure is on my WRD blog. It is a wood and cast plaster kit. The end walls are stone, front and rear wall wood strips that need to be assembled into a wall and door. It came with Campbell metal roofing which I etched and painted a rust color. I was just using india ink and alcohol at that time which would be seen on the stones. The rest would be washes of Floquil paints and stains. Back then I had a few different shades of Floquil stains which I really liked using....George Dutka 

Friday 15 March 2024

Maine Two Footer - Photos

Some of my Maine narrow gauge photos I purchased a number of years ago at an Ontario Narrow Gauge Show.
I don't recall why I took this photo that I recently found while sorting through some of my photo files. I thought I would share it with you today...George Dutka

Monday 11 March 2024

Peter Mumby's On30" Module

How time fly's by. I took this photo in 2015 of Peter Mumby's On30" engines on his yard module.
I am not sure if I showed you this photo before but Peter and I were fooling around with his On30" module which attaches to mine a few years back taking photos of his equipment. I was using my pocket Canon digital camera set on the rails while Peter held up a cloud background. I kind of like how this one turned out...George Dutka

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Bob Boudreau RIP - SR&RL Plow

A kit bashed plow by Bob Boudreau
I learned from Clare Gilbert (Sylvan Scale Models) today that we lost the great modeler Bob Boudreau yesterday. Although I never had the chance to meet him, I followed his work through the years. A very talented modeler. As a tribute to him on my narrow gauge blog I thought I would share one of his nice group of photos of a plow he kit bashed...George Dutka

I believe Bob mentioned using a On30 flat car in the kit-bash project in his post. 

Monday 12 February 2024

Narrow Gauge - Coach Roofing

David Woodhead did a wonderful job emulating a canvas roof on his combine.
I was setup next to David Woodhead at the 2023 Ontario Narrow Gauge Show in Hamilton, Ont. David had a fine display including a narrow gauge coach that caught my eye. I asked him what sort of texture he had applied to the roof to emulate canvas. It was tissue paper carefully applied and held on by the paint he applied...George Dutka     

David Woodhead's display at the 2023 Ontario Narrow Gauge Show.

Monday 5 February 2024

WW&F No. 4

WW&F #4 is seen inside the roundhouse during 1935. The engine has some if its hardware stripped already. 
I was doing a bit of scanning the other day and included a few narrow gauge views into the mix. This is again one of the George Melvin collection I purchased some years ago...George Dutka   

Friday 26 January 2024

Coal Facilities Base

I built this diorama back in 2016. I hand laid the short piece of trackage adding some limestone ballast and Sylvan coal spillage. There is a Woodland Scenic workman added and some extra details around the base. I may go back over the structure with some additional washes and PanPastels which I did not have at the time I built the model.
A close up look at my On30" module base that I built to house a coal storage structure. The model is a cast hydrocal structure. I built it on a homasote base. It will eventually go on a small On30" layout...George Dutka

Monday 15 January 2024

SR&RL No. 18

SR&RL #18 at Strong, 1935.

Another view from the George Melvin collection scanned this month...George Dutka