Friday 21 February 2014

W&Q Frt House - Applied to my module

This is the front view of the freight house. There is a track on both sides of the building
Quebec Jct. Freight House
Thought I would share some photos of my freight house now in use on my W&Q module....George Dutka

A look towards the end of the module which houses the frt. house.
This was one location I loaded up with details. My Maine narrow gauge has outlasted the prototypes so it is now the late 40's or maybe the early 50's. Having an oil or electric water heater on the platform seems OK.
A pickup is about to be loaded with some outgoing freight. The crossing sign is from Train Troll models and a WW&F Ry., Maine prototype.
I have added a lot of junk along the tracks near the freight house which adds more interest to the scene.

Thursday 20 February 2014

What's in the Box No. 3

A Berkshire Valley metal kit is seen partly assembled. The remaining parts are seen in this photo along with the instruction and box.
I needed another truck for my W&Q module. I dug out this kit I purchase a number of years ago. Seems like a nice build...George Dutka

A close up view of the main parts glued together. The roof needs to be left off till after painting. The seat comes per-painted.

Monday 10 February 2014

Packing boxes - by Aberdeen Car Shops

Story and photos by Peter Mumby
 There are lots of reasons for attending local train shows.  Some of my favourites include:
1) Visiting with modellers and railfans who you usually only bump into at these shows.
2) Finding a good deal on something you think you need (only to get home and discover that you already have one in your collection!)
3) Seeing a new or obscure product you hadn't been aware of - and realising that you have an almost immediate use for it.
    It is reason #3 that led to the project described in this mini post.  George and  I attended the Paris Junction train show in Paris, Ontario back in January.  On one of his circuits George spotted packs of Aberdeen Car Shops ( HO and O scale packing boxes.  We each decided to acquire one of the O sets and several of the HO packs.  When we next  got together we decided to start with the O scale set (#4801).

Here is a selection (HO scale shown) of the Aberdeen Car Shops packing boxes.  Included are 8701 ( bicycle, furnace, etc.), 8705 ( Kelvinator refrigerator), and 8704 ( post-1960 Simpsons).

    Required supplies include:
1) Hobby knife with a sharp #11 blade
2) Metal straight edge
3) White glue
4) Optional items include nimble fingers and good eyesight (with or without assistance).  You can guess why we decided to start with the O scale set!

Another set of store boxes is 8703 ( pre-1960 Simpsons ).  Maybe we could lobby for an Eaton's set!

Boxes shown assembled include CCM bicycle, Westinghouse wash machine and water heater, plus Gurney oil furnace and water heater.  The small foreground boxes hold paint and Stelco nails.
  Using knife and straight edge, cut along the edges of the "boxes," around the flaps, and into the indicated white lines.  Create all folds by bending along the lines against the edge of your ruler.  Apply white glue to the flap and fold the sides together.  Fold and glue the ends together and you have a great item for your mixed train's lcl box car.  Any white edges can be covered with a pencil crayon or lead pencil

 Let us know how you make out folding those little Stelco nail boxes in HO scale!
Produits MP plaster accessories. - Boutique
Aberdeen Car Shops
To offload the heavier appliances, the boxcar has been spotted at a level crossing.  The local drayman is ready to head for town as the yard crew prepares to move the car to the Quebec Junction freight house.
The delivery truck has returned to the yard for a load of bicycles, paint, and nails.  The packing cases and drums of lube oil ( by Produits MP, will have to wait for the next trip.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Bachmann SR&RL Forney

The finished model rests on my work bench before being assigned a run.
 A few years back I purchased a Bachmann undecorated DCC with sound outside frame Forney. I was not sure at first if I wanted a home road or prototype engine. Following a prototype won out and SR&RL #9 was added to my extra small fleet of one.

I began by painting the cab roof Floquil Tuscan red. The lettering was done with CDS dry transfer added to decal sheeting. The numbers are X8G, a gold set. For the lettering I dug into Peter Mumby's stockpile finding some gold lettering that looked right. I then weathered the engine using a light coat of Floquil grimy black followed by a coat of flat finish. I used my available chalk weathering to add some grit and grime to my engine. I then brushed on a coat of white glue in the tender. Woodland Scenic coal was then added. I could not find any available engine-fireman that was appropriate for the 1920-30's so I used the O scale Woodland Scenic set. They look pretty good in the back to work getting a train ready to roll....George Dutka

I used two Woodland Scenic engine figures for the time being. I want to back date the crew a little at some point.