Saturday 28 January 2017

Moose - Portland Locomotive Works

My new moose is placed below the bridge at waters edge.
At the NNGC in Maine this fall I picked up a 3D printed moose. I decided to add it to my new bridge module along the waters edge. It is not in the foreground but off to the side as it is very fragile...modeling Maine one needs a Moose...George Dutka

Sunday 22 January 2017

Lilly Pads

HO scale lily pads as they look in their package. A bit too bright for me.

I purchased a package of lily pads awhile back for use on my new bridge diorama and also in my pond on the White River Division. The pads look good right out of the package but I decided to tone them down with a bit of Bragdon soot. The size is HO scale but I think they look better on an O sclae layout...George Dutka

A few lily pads added to my On30" module.

Friday 20 January 2017

Narrow Gauge Caboose?

Found in the Portland Narrow Gauge Museum yard.
This post begins with this weeks Wordless Wednesday. Don and I came across this cupola sitting on what appears to be a flat car. The car ends seem to be the same as found on a caboose or coach. I am not sure were this museum project is going but it sure could make an interesting model conversion...a conversation piece for sure...George Dutka

Thursday 12 January 2017

My New Little Bridge

My On30" caboose is almost into the yard on my W&Q module. This small one foot add-on makes use of a Hunterline Queens post bridge I built at a WOD work day.
My little one foot addition is now finished and attached to my W&Q module. Here are some photos that I took recently...George Dutka

Trash such as a tire, some railroad ties and a barrel is found under the bridge.

I added some lily pads to the foreground. These are HO scale but look better in an O scale scene. The colour is a bit bright. I will be toning these down with a bit of soot Bragdon Powders. I used some extra long static grass in the foreground. The small rocks are from the beach were my boat is at Bayfield. The marble blocks are from my old HO scale causeway I disassembled a couple of years ago.

The weathered rail is added, code 83 is used.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Queen Post Bridge Module

I filled in the areas around the river rock and sand with ground foam and long static grass. The small piece of backdrop is painted my layout sky blue. Some fallen trees, ties and granite block finish off the surrounded areas. As one can see I have yet to add the rails. There will also be some lilly pads included in the foreground.
Here is a look at how my Hunterline Queen Post Bridge is turning out on my module....not much left to do when I took these photos....George Dutka

The water was done by dabbing acrylic black, green and tan till I had a mix of colours that I liked. Once dry I added some gloss acrylic. It took a couple of coats to get a good shine.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Years!

Sandy River Ry. No. 5 takes a spin on the old turntable. This little diorama resides on my desk and currently is the only bit of HOn30" I have out on display...I guess I best get digging through my storage boxes...George Dutka