Sunday 13 December 2020

Stone Structure is Completed

The stone structures windows are not that great looking. I decided to board up one...the bad one.

It did not take me long to enhance the look of this nice little stone building. I had planned on using it maybe in a HOn30" diorama but most structures along the ROW I believe were wood. I am going to use this building as a Christmas present to a modeling friend...George Dutka 

Some barrels, boards, signs and newspapers are out front. I added three different styles of weeds around the building.

The back wall got a Superior Propane metal sign which is rusted up a bit. I am thinking he may use it at his dealers location.

Sunday 6 December 2020

Stone Shed Roofing


The walls are coated in India ink-alcohol mix then sponged with white acrylic paint. AK slimy grime dark is sponged on the lower area. More to come shortly.

I was working on the roofing this weekend for this structures clean-up. I gave the shingles a coat of india ink -alcohol mix. I randomly painted some shingles black and others gray. For the gray I just mixed a bit of the black and white in the paint tray. They really stand out at the moment but all will be well shortly when PanPastels are applied. The door and window frames are painted acrylic cinnamon brown...George Dutka

Friday 4 December 2020

Stone Shed

The bones of the structure is good but I want to redo the look of the stone and roofing.
A little while back I got a small box of maintenance away structures. This stone structure was included. I was thinking of using it in a small HOn30" diorama. Of course a themed  two footer line...more on this later next week...George Dutka

The stone walls are hydrocal.

This building is a tiny structure that could fit in well with narrow gauge trains. I am not sure the company that offered it.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Bachman Forney

I took these photos back in 2011 after I completed the lettering and weathering of my Forney. I know the Forney has shown up in past posts but not sure if you saw these on the workbench shortly after the work was completed...George Dutka

Sunday 8 November 2020

Strong Station - O Scale


I have showed you this station before but I was taking a look at it again. The base is two sheets of Gatorfoam which is really securely attached to the floor of the station. I am thinking it may have to stay that way. I purchased the station the way it looks here and will be update a bit shortly...George Dutka 

Sunday 1 November 2020

Hunterline Stains

From time to time I come across Hunterline at train shows. This one they attended was I think taking place in Paris, Ont. I thought I would take a photo of their stain display for future reference. I really like their product and use it a lot...thought you might want to see what they offer...George Dutka. 

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Bar Mills New Offering

Bar Mills has a new offering out this week. A REA express building in O scale. When I checked their website it is also offered in HO scale. I think this might be a great addition to my On30" modeling. If you order it directly from them they are throwing in Woodland Scenic figures package free as a bonus...George Dutka

Saturday 10 October 2020

SR&RL HOn30" Boxcar

This kit was my entrance into the world of HOn30"

I found these views in my files that I took of my first build in HOn30". I had ordered the car by mail sometime in the early 1980's. I got back into model railroading in December 1979 following the MR cover article of the C&DR Ry. Hard to believe that I entered modeling in a scale that one has to scratch-build or kit build. I think the car turned out well considering the era. About a year later I ordered Sloan brass etchings building a Forney. Not long after I did get into HO scale standard gauge joining a local modular railroad club....George Dutka

Sunday 4 October 2020

O Scale Moose

A view on my one foot wide diorama attached to my module. The moose that kind of makes the scene is a 3D printed model I picked up at the National Narrow Gauge Convention in Maine a few years back. It was an offering Gary of PLW.


Monday 28 September 2020

Altering HO Scale Trucks

Here are four different views of trucks all made from the same model. One is cut down to a pickup truck while two others are flat beds. They find their way into my HOn30" dioramas from time to time...George Dutka

Sunday 27 September 2020

A Look Across the Bridge

The conductor must be waving at me taking the photo as there is no one else around. The bridge is a Hunterline kit built at a hands-on WOD-NMRA clinic.

 An add-on diorama to my module. I took a group of photos of the caboose on it some time ago...George Dutka

Monday 7 September 2020

SR&RL at Farmington, Maine

SR&RL at Farmington, Maine Sept. 2, 1933. The engine is number 18.
Another photograph I picked up from the George Melvin collection. This one is a postcard...George Dutka

Saturday 29 August 2020

Small Station Platform

The completed platform which has been stained with Hunterline creosote and dry brushed with Floquil grime.
I purchased an Atlantic Scale Modelers rural station kit which came with a really neat jig which made building the station platform really easy. I have set aside the jig for more platform builds...George Dutka

One begins with adding tape to the first jig to hold the deck boards in place. My chopper was put to work here.
This was really simple to do. I left a bit of a gap between boards.
The second jig is set in place which spaces the supports. There was not enough long pieces of lumber included so some piecing together was done were it would not show.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Roomettes Interiors

The jeweler store interior is made to fit into a DPM kit. I added two figures to the interior also.
Roomettes are a newer product which I purchased last year that really makes interiors look very realistic. The kits come with LED lighting...George Dutka

The second floor interior included lighting.

Saturday 8 August 2020

Narrow Gauge Cover-up

A narrow gauge car used as extra storage. Makes for a neat bit of modeling inspiration.
I took this photo in Portland, Maine in 2016 of a passenger car covered over possibly used as storage...George Dutka

Sunday 12 July 2020

Summer Layover

Well with the warm weather on hand I don't see any use for these two plows. The information on the back of the photo says, SR&RL 513 Portland 1883 ex-SRRR. SR&RL 514 MEC 1892 P&R in Philips, Maine 1930's. Peter Cornwall collection, George Dutka copy.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

WW&F No. 3 and 9

WW&F no. 3 and 9 inside the roundhouse. No date or data. From George Melvin collection. Looks like a sunny day outside with all that light shining in.

Monday 22 June 2020

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Sanders Flagstop Prototype Photos

The Sanders flag stop is at the entrance to the museum were we boarded the train for a ride to the shop area during the NNGC. Sept 9, 2016.
I visited the Sandy River Ry at Philips, Maine while at the National Narrow Gauge Convention held in Maine during 2016. It was nice to see the prototype Sanders flag stop, a model I built a year earlier...George Dutka

Friday 12 June 2020

Sanders - On30"

My Sanders model added to a Gatorfoam base. I added a lot of details to the side of the building and also the platform.
Here we have some views of my finished drop-in scene that was completed in 2015. I took it to the NNGC in Maine back in 2016...George Dutka

The two figures are actually Christmas village scene details that my friend Peter Mumby gave me. They are not the normal size one gets in the dollar store but closer to O scale. Some touch up to the paint and they look pretty good in the scene.
The whistle post is actually an O scale Osborne Models details. Osborne had dropped their O scale details, but they still show up at local trains flea markets. They are not a Maine thing but does look good on my drop-in scene.
Some real dirts. stones and longer static grass brings the scene to life.

Monday 8 June 2020

WW&F Turner Dairy Car

The replica dairy car is on display near the old WW&F ROW, Sept 7 2016.
Back during the 2016 National Narrow Gauge Convention held in Maine Don Janes and I stopped by the display in Wiscasset by the old ROW. Here is what we saw...George Dutka

They had a really nice display one could see inside the car.