Sunday 24 May 2020

Sanders Flagstop Model

I still have a couple more Sandy RIver Car Shops models to build.
I built this structure back in 2015 and posted photos regarding construction but not many of the finished model. Here are two more...George Dutka

All the weathering was done with Bragdon Powders.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

WW&F #7

WW&F no. 7 was in the engine house fire 1931. From George Melvin photos.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. and Museum

Sept. 11 2016
At the end of the 2016 National Narrow Gauge Convention in Maine Don Janes and I stopped at the Narrow Gauge Museum in Portland, Maine for a visit. I had been by here before but during a period when it was closed. It was a treat to see what was on display is what we saw...George Dutka

There was a lot more than I expected inside to see although photographing the equipment was not the best.

The coaches and combines were open to walk through.

Monday 4 May 2020

Harrisburg O scale Narrow Gauge meet date change

A new date.
The O scale narrow gauge meet group are hoping things will change by the fall...I noted the date change recently. I would love to attend but unfortunately due to my age I doubt I will be doing any traveling till there is a vaccine for the pandemic...George Dutka

Sunday 3 May 2020

WW&F No. 2

Another photo from the George Melvin collection I purchased. This is WW&F 0-4-4T no. 2 inside the roundhouse at Wiscasset, Maine. No date on the photo but it notes one of five stored.