Saturday 28 May 2016

A Visit to the W&Q Layout

A view at the crossing on the W&Q, Quebec Jct. frt. house.
Last month my W&Q was part of the London area layout tour. During the tour my friend Terry stopped by with his high end camera and took a few are two he e-mailed me recently...George Dutka

The caboose is turned and appears loaded with passenger ready to depart town.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Strong Station Replica

Once the leaves come out this replica station will be hard to find.
If you visit Bar Mills shop up in Maine you will get the scoop about how and why this replica was built following the SR&RL Strong station. Art really did a great job with this one...George Dutka

The parking lot view of Bar Mills shops.

Art mentioned spending well over $1,000 to have a correct version of the weather-vane made.

Thursday 12 May 2016

SR&RL Flat - Tool Car

My finished On30" SR&RL tool flat is seen on the plans supplied by the Sandy River Car Shops.
I finished this narrow gauge flat car which is used as my tool car in time for this years spring Schomberg Narrow Gauge Show...the flat won the rolling stock award. What's in the Box No. 1, Sept. 14, 2013 views the kit in its early construction stage. More on the car later...thought I would give you a first look...George Dutka

I always like adding extra details to my cars...this one is no O scale detail box is now empty.

The main feature a load is an O scale Crow River Models cast metal claw bucket.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Busy Day at the Ramp

And the day begins on the loading dock.
By the looks of things the W&Q Ry. has a good amount of freight to move this day. In real life the models are on my O scale module....George Dutka