Saturday 13 July 2024

Summer Update!

I am still around, sorry about no post lately but I have not been doing any modeling lately or scanning of prints. Hope to get back into the groove shortly. I have a lot to take care of with my wife passing a few months ago. Have a great summer and I do have some good modeling ideas...just have to get at them...George Dutka

Saturday 1 June 2024

B&SR - 1895

The details found on the back of this B&W print read, B&SR engine #2 and cars 1 and 10. 1895, Lawrence Walker.
Another view of a George Melvin collection photo I have. The scene is a neat modeling option...George Dutka  

Monday 27 May 2024

WW&F - Big Dreams and Little Wheels


WW&F stories

Have you seen this book before ? It is a collection of stories about the WW&F. Kevin Smith sent me this photo of the book that he has enjoyed reading. I may get a chance to read it later this year if we meet up...George Dutka

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Mattress Boxes

A mattress box from a Canadian company located in Acton, Ontario. This model is in HO scale.
If you are thinking of shipping bed frames maybe a few boxes of new mattresses should be included. Aberdeen Car Shops a Canadian company offers printed sheets of mattress boxes in HO scale. They do not have O scale to go with the frames I have shown you but a bit of work on a color printer can size a couple of these up. Or better yet come up with your own design.  Use sturdy paper to model the boxes...George Dutka

Friday 5 April 2024

Bed Frames - Grandt Line # 3560

A package of head and foot boards that might make a nice load.

I recently picked up a package of O scale bed frames which I thought might make a nice load being unloaded at the freight house or loading ramp. Lots of options to think about...maybe I could load them in a truck...George Dutka

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Stone Shed

Appears some talk is happening at the tail end of the local passenger train. 
I found this old slide from 1984 that I took of my HOn30" scene which included a Hopper Line kit. More on this structure is on my WRD blog. It is a wood and cast plaster kit. The end walls are stone, front and rear wall wood strips that need to be assembled into a wall and door. It came with Campbell metal roofing which I etched and painted a rust color. I was just using india ink and alcohol at that time which would be seen on the stones. The rest would be washes of Floquil paints and stains. Back then I had a few different shades of Floquil stains which I really liked using....George Dutka 

Friday 15 March 2024

Maine Two Footer - Photos

Some of my Maine narrow gauge photos I purchased a number of years ago at an Ontario Narrow Gauge Show.
I don't recall why I took this photo that I recently found while sorting through some of my photo files. I thought I would share it with you today...George Dutka