Sunday 25 June 2023

BarMills Lighthouse

An overhead view of my completed lighthouse model. I added a bit of detail to the row boat interior.
I recently competed my BarMills lighthouse. It is a smaller model than I thought it would be. I realized that when seeing the Christmas kit display at Springfield back in January. It will work well in the foreground of my waterfront scene. One does not want a huge structure out front off the shores. If it was on shore and midway back in the a display a larger model would work better.

One addition I made to the kit was adding 1 by 2 stripwood to the rooftop seams. They looked kind of messy without something added. Most of the painting was done with MIG colors while the roof and light structure is done with a spray can coat of Camo Coat dark brown followed by some AK rust steak then PanPastel raw umber shade. More on this structure shortly...George Dutka

The seams of the roof looked a bit rough so I added wood strips to the seams.

MIG Rail Center paints which is formulated for engines and rolling stock are used to paint most of the lighthouse and the rowboat. A bit of weathering is applied to the red and white using Bragdon soot. The soot has a bit of two different rust mixed in by mistake when I dropped by four color box. Even with the lid closed the colors do get into the other sections. The mix is kind of a neat mix that I have been using on a few of my models. The red on the row boat is left clean for now.

Sunday 18 June 2023

Winter in Strong, Maine

A winter view at Strong, Maine of a very short train with a really big plow out front. This is also a postcard view.
Another scan I made from one of the prints I purchased from George Melvin...will see what else I have to scan...George Dutka     

Friday 9 June 2023

Caboose Project?

This is what I found while checking the Portland narrow gauge yard during September 2016, a full scale kit. 
A view from 2016 of a possible full scale caboose project. At least some of the parts are there with probably the rest to be scratch built. Some guys love large scale projects...George Dutka

Thursday 8 June 2023

BarMills Lighthouse is Complete

My completed lighthouse with the two colors that were mainly used.
I recently finished the BarMills Lighthouse that is offered singly from their Christmas kit. It actually is quite small when considering the size of lighthouses but it works well in the foreground of their waterfront scene. Mine was colored using MIG-AMMO Rail Center paints red and white. The boat shows the red clean while the lighthouse got some light weathering that toned down the white and red. More on the lighthouse soon...George Dutka

Tuesday 6 June 2023

WW&F Today

Photos taken this spring by Kevin Smith at Alna, Maine.
Kevin Smith made a trip to Maine this spring and took some shots of the WW&F rail site which was closed at that time. I have not been there since 2016 and by the looks of Kevin's views it might be time for a return trip. I see there is an engine shop building and turntable that did not exist on my last visit...George Dutka

I believe the museum opens this coming weekend.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Working the Interchange Yard

A view of coal being unloaded right into an engine from a standard gauge car. The car, caboose and engine would make a nice looking diorama.

Terry Smith brought up the point this photo is of SR&RL #24 and could not be at Bridgton Maine. Thanks Terry for pointing this out..George Dutka