Thursday 19 August 2021

On30" Tank Car Close-up

Thought I would share a close-up view of the tank car rust spots. These I added years after the model was completed. Learning new weathering tricks gives me a chance to pull out models for a refresh.  Shows you that a model is never finished...George Dutka 

Saturday 7 August 2021

What's in the Box - Bar Mills REA

The parts are packaged up well and the instruction booklet looks really good.

A couple of months ago I received a new kit in O scale for my narrow gauge to get building it...George Dutka  

The model came with a package of O scale figures and two sanding stick...not bad as it was a special deal.
Bar Mills Facebook view of the REA O scale structure.

Monday 2 August 2021

WW&F Boxcar #312

One can see a portion of the patch job at the roof line to the right of the door which was done to raise the roof. This photo if from my visit during 2016.

In the July/Aug 2021 issue of the Narrow Gauge Gazette there is a nice article about modeling WW&F 312. This boxcar still exists and is on display at the Boothbay Rilway Village in Maine. This 28' car began as W&Q 34 built in 1895. The car has a low roof. When the WW&F rebuilt the car the roof was raised and renumbered 312. It is kind of cool how it is patched together...George Dutka