Friday 28 June 2013

My New Ramp

My On30" reefer is seen behind the S scale ramp on a length of HO scale track.
 Last winter I purchased a finished ramp module that was once a portion of Doug Rochefort's S-scale layout. I thought it was about the right size for my On30" narrow gauge modelling...what do you think? At some point it will be incorporated into my W&Q modules...George Dutka

I think the ramp might be just the right size for spotting one car on the W&Q.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Marbles Station - Revisited

 The Prototype and a Model

A few years ago I bid on a Train and Trooper version of the Marbles station. Unfortunately I missed out on the top bid. I really like this kit which could make a really nice end of branch line setting...just as in the real world. I mentioned in a past blog post the station is available by BEST models. I am not sure if BEST made this kit from the same casting molds or if new ones were made. Anyhow it is nice to see this kit out there. I have included a few prototype photos from post cards and an on site view...George Dutka

The Train and Trooper station that I bid on.

The station as it looked in 2006.

An overview of the hotel by the Marbles station. Undated photo.

Monday 17 June 2013

Maine, 1911

An old waterfront view of a cannery which can bring some good inspiration to a modeler. Located in Eastport, Maine I believe...George Dutka

Monday 10 June 2013

Floquil Paint

The following link below might help one find a good match to Floquil paints...George Dutka


Sunday 9 June 2013

Summer Season - 2013

For those of you that follow my White River Division blog you may have already seen this post. Boating season is getting into full swing now. I have moved my boat to a new harbour on Lake Huron due to low water and now have no Internet connection. Seems I am in an area that even cell and AM-FM radio service is spotty at times. It is strange to be in a lake basin which is so isolated only 1.5 hours from home. I guess my posts will be coming at times I am at home and have time to get something together. Have a great-safe summer and I will be back to regular posting in the fall...George Dutka

Saturday 8 June 2013

Maine 1940's Photo

 A starch mill located in Maine during the 1940's. Although not a full view it might make an interesting modeling project.

Sunday 2 June 2013

On30 Reefer

My reworked Kennebec River Brewery reefer is seen in use on the W&Q.
Bachmann's Narrow Gauge Reefer

A few years back Bachmann offered a group of colourful On30" narrow gauge reefers. One that caught my attention was the green and black Kennebec River Brewery car. The car's logo notes the brewery is located at The Forks, Maine. Since it was lettered for Maine I decided it's flavour would add nicely to my small fleet of cars. The brewery date in the logo reads "since 1997" which one could change to reflect a more appropriate time frame. For now I have just left the date.

A nice article "Three easy pieces", by Bob Hayden in the May/June 2008 Gazette tells how he modelled his Kennebec River Brewery car. I actually followed his comments to improve my model. I began by removing the ice hatches and adding new styrene roofing. I also added a HO scale building smoke stack which looks good on this car. I used Bachmann's low profile trucks to lower my car which now looks much more prototypical. I used Kadee coupler pockets to install the included couplers at the proper height. The sides got a coat of flat finish followed by chalk weathering. The underframe and roof received a coat of Floquil grimy black. The ends got just a dusting of grimy black. This is a great looking narrow gauge model and the few changes made a big difference...George Dutka