Peter and I each made one mile marker and a hand full of whistle posts. The extra signs and mile markers we will scatter around the yard as used junk. |
On our last workday Peter Mumby arrived with two packages of O scale Osborn Model details. They are mile markers and whistle posts...something we have yet to add to our On30" modules. The whistle posts we built as included in the package. The mileposts had extra thick posts that we replaced with some bamboo BBQ sticks which looked pretty good. The whole project took us only a part of our afternoon. Once the parts are trimmed and attached with Canopy cement we tried some of my new Hunterline
Cottage White. To our surprise the white did not cover at all. It appears that one needs a darker undercoating before the white begins to look like whitewash. We applied a coat of Hunterline weathering mix (the darker the stain the better the results it appears) and about 10 minutes later we coated our details in Cottage White. They looked a lot better by this point but still not white enough for us. We then dry brushed our parts with Floquil reefer white. Recently I used my cottage white stain on a Bar Mills shed, but it went over a darker base coat so all went well....I will be trying black colouring as a base coat on my next attempt at cottage white staining...stay tuned...George Dutka
Our finished mile markers and whistle posts have a nice white weathered look once we used these three colours. A learning experience. |
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