Friday, 29 January 2021

Baker Stream Bridge


SR&RL 18 powers the scrap train which is lifted rails at Baker Stream bridge. This is near Fairbanks, Maine 1936, Peter Cornwall collection, my copy. 

Monday, 18 January 2021

Adding a Road

A few years back while finishing off my On30" module the last scene to be completed was my freight house and roadway...George Dutka

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Looks Like a Cold Winter

On the SR&RL it is winter in Farmington, Maine seen in this undated photo from my collection. Looks like a good amount of snow will be pushed on this run. 

Friday, 1 January 2021

Happy New Years!


SR&RL plow #512 being pushed by engine 21 and 17 on Farmington mountain during 1914 or 1915.  One wonders if that area still gets the deep snow of 100 plus years ago. Photo from my collection.