Thursday, 30 January 2014

Adding the W&Q Freight House to my Module

A test fit of the freight house. It still needs some leveling as I had to cut out a hill that once was there. The background will get a lot more trees also. I have a Bar Mills kit which will replace the foreground tree at some point.
Thought I would share this photo of the freight house being test fit on my module. I have the roads added at this point. The area the structure is set was actually a hill at one point. This I had to remove and rebuild. The scene has been completed for some time now and once I get a chance to take a few better photos I will share them with you. I am currently cutting out a location for my newly finished water tank....George Dutka

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Adding a Platform and Details to the Freight House

My W&Q O scale freight house now has a nice platform to rest on.
Since freight will have to be loaded from boxcars into the doors of the freight house I needed to build a raised platform. I had a lot of scrap Mt. Albert lumber that could make some nice looking deck planks. These I cut to size and beat up a bit using my hobby knife before staining them Hunterline weathering mix. I used mainly what I had on hand for the bracing and supports. Don't think I need to explain how to build the platform. I did weather all the boards with Bragdon powders as most of the interior is visible through the open doors...the rest of the details are added to the roadway a the structure walls are starting to bow out from the load inside....more photos to come....George Dutka

I am at work with my chopper cutting the Mt. Albert planks. I had used Hunterline weathering mix for staining.

As you can see I used almost all my details on this project. Since the module is small there will not be may structures to use them on.
One of the two freight helpers is seen here. Seems he has a lot to move around.
The REA sign is a made from a photo I took of the sign on the B&M Ely, Vermont station. The blue sign is from the HO Haydenton covered station kit.
This view one can see the rear wall with an open freight door. Note the sturdy hinges I added to the door.

Friday, 24 January 2014

My W&Q Ry. Freight House

The freight house is ready for a new platform and flooring.
Building a freight house for Quebec Junction

I scratch built a freight house to fit a spot at the end of my W&Q module. It has tracks to the front and rear, so freight doors are required on both ends. Peter Mumby and I worked together on our structures for both modules. I had available some O scale Mt. Albert scribed siding that would work well for the walls. Peter had a bag of Grandt Line O scale window and door castings to fill the openings. The doorway trim was made using 2 by 8 wood. For the roof I used card stock painted grimy black on the edges and underside. One of the doors I really liked in Peter's bag which I used was a screen door. I modelled all my doors open so the interior details can be clearly seen. I used masking tape for the roofing, trimming it to 3 scale feet wide. It was painted Floquil Brunswick Green (which is actually a black) then weathered with Bragdon soot.

All the wood pieces are stained Hunterline Cordovan Brown. Once dry a wash of Floquil grime was applied, which was really thinned down. Bragdon powder is used to weather up the walls some more. The windows and doors are painted Floquil coach green. The glazing added is plastic airbrushed with flat finish.

All the door, windows and wall sections are seen before assembly. If you look at the large freight door you can see the brass hinges I was adding.
The freight. door is seen with one brass hinge attached. I cut one working hinge in half  making a pair. This is from my parts box.
Signs and details...
The Quebec Jct. sign was printed on my computer printer on heavy stock paper. I used Walthers Goo to attach all my signs. The REA sign is made from a photo I took of the sign found on the B&M Ely, Vermont station. The Western Union sign is from my Haydenton Kit. I ordered a chimney from Schomberg Scale Models. I had to cut an angle on it before painting it Floquil grime and adding Bragdon powders to dirty it up. I finally had a place to add many of the details I have collected over the years. The grain sacks, barrels, brooms and large boxes are from Schomberg, the empty crates and push broom is from Evergreen Hill, while all the others details are from Berkshire Valley. I will show you all the details in my next post...George Dutka

I added a good amount of bracing to the interior although the siding is quite thick. I also gave the inside a coat of Hunterline stain to help seal the wood.
The front track side view of the structure is seen awaiting the doors to be added. I weathered up the building really well. I had pulled a few boards up and added rows of nail holes.
The end and rear track side walls of the Quebec Jct. freight. house is seen. The windows glaze got a coat of Floquil flat finish adding to the worn character of the building. I modelled all the doors open so I could display all my interior details that I have been saving for such a project.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

SR&RL Water Tank - First Look

I finally finished my O scale Portland Locomotive Works, White Birch Tank this week. I thought I would give you a look at how it turned out. It was not a hard kit to build. I just got sidetracked rebuilding my HO standard gauge layout lately...will post an article on construction shortly....George Dutka

Friday, 10 January 2014

Ferry Service

Thought you might like to see a couple of photos I took of a contest model I saw this fall of the Islander ferry. This model would look great at your docks heading out into Maine waters...enjoy...George

Wednesday, 1 January 2014