Sunday 28 September 2014

Salvage shop - more photos

The finished model is seen with the large doors open and window swung out. The weathering is a mix of Bragdon powders.

I still had a couple extra photos once I finished yesterday's post on the WRD...thought these might inspire one to add such a structure near a HOn30" shop area....George Dutka

This little storage building looks interesting no matter which angle you view it from. I will be adding it to a peninsula so one will see all sides.

Friday 26 September 2014

Bar Mills - Bulls Salvage

This Bar Mills model is almost completed...just some glazing in the windows and a few more scraps on the roof needs to be added.
I just finished my version of the Bar Mills, Bull Salvage for my White River Division Westboro scene. It will be a B&M yard structure instead of a salvage building. It was an easy kit to build and I really like all the angles and materials used in the kit. I like it so much I think I will build the O scale version to include next to my turntable on my On30" module....I will posting more photos and comments of my HO scale kit this weekend on my White River Division site...check it out....George Dutka.

White River Division